Frequently Asked Questions
Any wastewater treatment systems which fulfill the following norms can be classified as DTS Reliable
DTS consists of several independent treatment modules which are interconnected so that the required treatment efficiency is achieved. The modules commonly used are
DTS is suitable for all organic wastewater- both domestic sewage and organic wastewater from Industries like – dairy, distillery, food processing units, abattoirs etc
The DTS modules ideally suited for all organic wastewater. The modules are designed based on the characteristics of inlet wastewater and the desired effluent standards. They are custom built to suit the site conditions and the budget on hand. DTS have been proven to achieve a BOD of even less than 5mg/l
It depends on the design. It might take 3 to 4 days, after which the treated water shall be observed in Collection tank.
This depends on the design, but it can be considered as 3 to 4 days.
Trapping is only from vent pipe which is placed on top of the settler. In all the chambers for the gas to flow out through vent pipe we have provided opening in the walls. So that the gas will get collected in settler point.
Yes, the sludge produced can be dried and used as manure.
But comparatively to FBR the sludge settlement will be excess in settler and then in FBR. In FFR it will not be there, the desludging here is after long period. Desludging frequency depends on design can be once in 18 or 24 months.
Yes, grey water can be treated separately.
Storage capacity is 385 KL.
Centralized systems have its advantages only if frequent monitoring and control is necessary for the operation of the treatment plant. In case of failure, the treatment of entire sewage is affected as it cannot be stopped. The DTS is advantageous as there are skilled controls are not a mandatory requirement for its operation. Desludging is required only once in two years and can be ensured easily. No special training is required for the user as they are already familiar with desludging of septic tank. Chances of mismanagement of DTS by User / household is limited as they result would be seen in front of their houses. The user himself becomes the watchdog and does not external enforcement. In the larger conventional plants, as it is not in their backyard “NIMBY” factor may cause neglect! Hence users would tend to ignore the plant not working as it is directly related to reducing expenses Due to decentralization, the risk of a failed plant is significantly decreased.
There is no requirement of an operator in the case of DTS. DTS being independent of electromechanical devices, the operation is failsafe. No sound is produced during the treatment operation unlike the conventional aerobic system. There is no liberation of aerosols. Hydrogen Sulphide is generated during the treatment process along with methane. The system is covered and gas tight and the gas is vented up and discharged at a higher level and does not pose any nuisance value. In fact, instead of consuming electricity like conventional system, the DTS can actually generate energy. We can even pipe this gas and use it as a valuable biogas for thermal application (cooking and heating) in a small scale or use it to generate electricity on a larger scale
True. But they are equal to or cheaper than conventional for a given degree of treatment. That is the installed cost for a given volume of wastewater of a particular inlet BOD load and specified discharge BOD is lower than conventional system.
The DTS is designed to work by gravity and the treatment is by anaerobic bacteria. The active sludge is self-regulated unlike the conventional system where one needs to exercise control on MLSS and F/M ratio to ensure effectiveness. Conventional system need the motors, blowers, pumps and chemicals for their operation and will fail in the absence of any one of them. Besides the life of the electro mechanical components in sewage applications are limited. The DTS being a purely Civil structure its life is typically greater than 20 years.
On the contrary, being an anaerobic DTS produces only one fifth of the sludge produced in a conventional aerobic plant. Since desludging is done once in two years, it may appear large. (In conventional system desludging is done daily or weekly and is disposed off). Nowadays, there are a number of specialized agencies which undertake desludging activities on a commercial basis.
No. Unlike other conventional treatment plants, DTS modules can be designed to suit existing land use planning. The DTS modules can be placed below vacant areas, paved roads, vehicular/carpark, footpaths etc. One can utilize the space above the DTS unlike the conventional system. The typical area requirement is about:
The tertiary treatment module can be aesthetically integrated within the gardens
Unlike conventional Wastewater treatment plants, the DTS has no consumables. They do not require electricity or chemicals for their operations.
Unlike conventional Wastewater treatment plants, the DTS has no moving parts such as motors, Pumps, blowers or valves. They do not have fine diffusers which are likely to get clogged. The only maintenance works is the periodic desludging once in two years. The typical cost for a 10000 liter per day plant is about Rs 10000 per annum.